Hallmark Families Don’t Exist

I LOVE HALLMARK MOVIES!!!  I am not ashamed to admit that.  Yet I will say that watching those movies can give me a complex that life is perfect and everything works out.  A preconceived notion that everything is perfect in the world.  But then reality sets in

After many years of being hopeful that life is perfect and everything works out, I came to the reality that Hallmark Families do not exist in real life.  Now don’t get me wrong there are families that get along most of the time.  But what I mean by Hallmark Family is everyone is always happy.  No one really fights.  If they have a “tiff” it is worked out within 2 hours.

I think I was always hopeful that one day my family would turn into the Hallmark family and everything would be okay.  But it never happened.  And I realized that it probably never would happen.  I have had to learn to meet my family where they are and not where I hope they would be.

If I continue to have those Hallmark Family expectation I will always be disappointed and feeling defeated.  Once I let down that expectation is when I see and appreciate what my family has to offer.  It is easier said than done sometime.  But I just have to try and change my way of thinking

Take Care.  Much Love