Going After A Dream

I have always had an interest in the medical field. Matter fact I wanted to go into the army into the medical field but my scores were not high enough.

So while stationed at Fort Riley Kansas there was a program for EMT emergency medical technician at a local college.  So  I wanted to sign up for it not sure how well I would do.
The program was 18 months long and it was a very long 18 months. But I accomplished getting my basic EMT certification and went on to also get my IV certification and also my defibrillator certification
It was definitely a challenging 18 months since I was still going to work 8 to 5 getting off work and then going to EMT school from like 6 PM to 10 PM so definitely made the days long but I persevered through it and was able to get all three of my certifications in 18 months
This was such a great accomplishment for me to be able to really pursue something I was very interested in it and put my whole body soul and strength into it
Even to this day whenever I feel like giving up on something I always think back to when I was in the army and also going to EMT school and I was able to just be able to do it and be able to accomplish one of my goals so I can still remember today that I can handle anything and I can accomplish anything that I put my mind to. Take Care Much Love
I was a Licensed Emergency Medical Technician for about 2 years.  It was such an amazing feeling to be able to help others in a stressful time in their lives.  Take Care Much Love