Getting The Jitters

As I write this I am a little less than a week from facing my wounds head on. On 12/31/2020 I will be traveling to Langley AFB to face the memories, pain and hurt that I have held onto for over 28 years.

I am finding myself getting the jitters. Getting scared. Just wanting to avoid the pain that might come with that day. I am sure some people will say “Then Why do it?”

I get where they are coming from but for me I would rather face it, cry like a big baby and just mentally lose it than to keep it caged inside my mind and body. I am tired of carrying it. It has weighed me down for too long.

I may cry a river but the thing is eventually I will stop. Eventually I will release what has been holding me back for so long. And that is why I am going through with this. Because one day I will be better from it. It may not be the same day but it will be one day. And that is what gives me hope.

Every time I face a memory, trigger or wound I am healing a little bit more. I know that there will always be a small wound that I will be healing from. But the more I face my past the smaller the wound becomes.

Thanks to everyone who follows me and have been supporting me on this journey. To GOD Be The GLORY. Take Care. Much Love.