Change In The Plan

As I mentioned before I am a planner.  I have a Google Calendar for all kinds of stuff.   I like to be able to be proactive and try to act on something before it becomes a problem.

I knew that I needed to make arrangements for my dog Duke.   So I had talked to Lilie and felt like we had a plan that would work for both of us.  So I dropped him off the middle of June with the plan he would be there until mid-August.

Lilie began telling me mid-July that there were issues with Duke being there and that I needed to come to get him.  That became a struggle for me.  I felt like I had all my duckies in a row to then have this change of plans.

I was talking to a sister in the church about my frustration with this situation. She made an honest point “This journey that I am on is between me and GOD and I need to understand and realize that I can not get mad if other people are not able to help out”

It is straight to the point honest.  It may not be what I wanted to hear.  But it is what I needed to hear.  As hard as it is to admit.  That statement is true.  I need to be grateful for those that are able to help out no matter what it is.

So I went to pick up Duke last weekend.  I actually moved into a new host family house.  They were willing to have me and Duke together for a weekend.  And then he is going into another family home on Sunday.  And hopefully, we will be reunited soon in our new home.

So this is not the plan I had but it is the plan that GOD has for me.  I wanted Radical Changes in my life and I need to be prepared that that is what GOD will do.  GET RADICAL

To GOD Be The Glory.

Take Care. Much Love