A New Happy Chapter

Despite the negativity that Dennis had towards having a baby I strived really hard to basket in the glory of the fact that God had a different plan for me.  That the doctors were wrong.  I was able to have not one but 2 beautiful daughters.  Today I would like to share about the day I officially became a mom.  The day my dream came true.

My due date was December 20, 1996.  On December 13, 1996, I went to the doctor and found out that I had high-blood pressure.  I was put on bedrest and had an appointment on December 16, 1996, to get checked.

On December 15, 1996, Dennis mom & brother traveled from California to hopefully be with us for the baby’s arrival.  That whole day I was feeling uncomfortable but just figured it was the end of the pregnancy uncomfortableness I had heard about.  Throughout Sunday night going into Monday I took 3 hot showers.  I stayed in the shower until the water ran cold.  I would let the hot water tank fill up and repeat again.

Monday I & Dennis were just going to go to the doctor’s appointment.  His brother and mom came with us.  The doctor said that I was doing okay.  My blood pressure was still high.  And I had a UTI.  He gave a prescription for the infection, an appointment for 2 days and was ready to send me on my way.  Before we left I asked him if he could see how far I was dilated I was because 2 weeks before I was 2cm so I just wanted to see what the progress was.

He did his exam and then looks me in the face and says “Ummm You are about 4cm and I just accidentally broke your water so you are not going anywhere”  OMG 3:30 pm 12/16/1996.  Luckily my doctor’s office was in the same building as the Labor & Delivery.  The transporter came to pick me up and I said “I want an epidural when I get to the room”  She says “Maam I am just transporting you.”  I said “I know I just want you to know that when we get to where we are going I would like an epidural”

I ended up getting an epidural.  I began pushing around 6 pm and my brown-eyed angel was born at 7:03 pm.  Less than 4 hours from the time my water broke to welcoming her into the world.  At that moment my life felt like it had a purpose.  I was meant to love and take care of that little girl.  I vowed to protect her and love her and I continue to do that to this day.  Take Care.  Much Love.

This was my early Christmas present.  My brown-eyed angel who had her own gang sign.  I love you Piggie-Girl.  Even almost 21 years later you make my heart smile.