You Are What You Eat

I am sure that we have all heard this saying at least once in our lives. Me being puny and sarcastic I can jokingly tell someone “Oh is that why you drink monsters” “or eat Gobbers”
Seriously when thinking about this saying it is pretty powerful. If you are eating junk food you can expect to have a lot of energy. Or if all you are eating is beef jerky you can’t expect to be feeling good all the time
The same is true for how you live your life. “You are what you do” If you sit on the couch watching tv and playing video games then you can be upset that you don’t have a lot of progress on your to-do list.
I don’t see anything wrong with having some down time and chillaxin sometimes. It is good to have some me time. But just like eating junk food moderation is the key. Having boundaries on how long you will have downtime or chillaxin is a good boundary to have
At one time I worked as a housekeeper in a hospital. It was a very physically demanding job. I had a “rule” I would come home and relax for 1 hour before I would do something productive. Honestly there was a timeframe that I was in a rut and I would just come home and do nothing. During this time things piled up around the house and I got overwhelmed
So, then I had to make another rule that I had to do something productive each night for at least 30 minutes. It could be blogging, washing clothes or even organizing something.
So, we need to give ourselves grace but also make sure that we are ingesting the things in our lives that are health. Rather it be food, relationships or even things we do with our time.
To GOD Be The GLORY. Take Care Much Love