Unopened Letters

Sometimes it can difficult to get through a healing roadblock.  When I feel emotions about something that has happened in my life.   I can have a hard time expressing how I feel since I can’t talk directly to most of the people I have emotional roadblocks with.

Through my healing process, I have begun to have closer and healing because I have written letters to many of these people.  I have written angry letters, forgiveness letters and even letters to my family.

This has been so helpful for me to just be 100% open.  Especially to know that I can express these feeling but it is not necessary to actually have the recipient read it.

Over an unspecified timeframe, I will share a letter I have written about once a week.  My hope is that this ‘healing therapy” might be inspiring for others to try.

Just keep in mind that it might not be for you and that is totally okay.  There is more than one way to heal.

Take Care.  Much Love