True Joy

If my joy is circumstantial then it is temporary
Set our destination as heaven and not here
Am I planning my treasure on earth or in heaven
Do I get upset at God when I don’t get what I want
Do I unannounced serve
What is our focus
It is okay to readjust the faith glasses faith watch and faith destination
Can I see the joy waiting for me in heaven
Don’t miss the joy of the journey by focusing on the negative.
However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” (Luke 10:20 NIV)

I challenged myself to write down things that bring me joy.


What brings me joy description
-make a gods eye
-make pumpkin butter
-going on a prayer walk
-listening to music and journaling
-taking pictures of nature
-friday night lights
-laying in the grass cloud drawings
-laying in the grass counting the stars
-jamming to country music
-getting a hug from someone I love that last more than a minute
-capturing the heart of photography
-staying in my pj’s all day
-making someone smile
-going camping
-making someone laugh
-seeing pictures of my girls when they were little