Too Much Drama For the Momma

Drama-An episode that is turbulent or highly emotional.
1. Leaving the girls stuff in California and my Love Boat
2. Cheating on Donald
3. My parents getting divorced.
4. Being in a homeless shelter after Disneyland
5. Being kicked out of Grandma’s house
6. Trying to kill myself at 17
7. Holidays with my family. Not the warm fuzzies.
8. My mom chose her boyfriend over me & “divorcing me”
9. My family not protecting me from or after abuse
10. Falling away from GOD
11. My mom lying about her marriage
12. Dennis being verbally & physically abusive

Last week I share my drama list from 10 years ago.  That list had 27 items.  So that shows that Momma ain’t got time for drama.  Because now there are only 12 things on this list.