The Power Of Prayer

The week before moving to Charleston I had borrowed a families truck to move some stuff from storage.  When I was handed the key it was explained that it could not be put on a keychain because the plastic on the key base broke so it does not stay on a keychain.  I was also told that there is only one key to the truck.  OH THE PRESSURE

I had the truck for about a week and I was trying to be very careful in keeping track of the key.  The morning of my last day at work I woke up and started my day getting ready for work.  It was time for me to head out the door.  I went to get the truck key where I thought I left it.  IT WAS NOT THERE.

I tried not to get panicked.  I looked everywhere I thought it would be.  NOTHING!!  I was looking in each place like 3 or 4 times with the same results.  NO KEY.

So at this point, I am supposed to be at work in 5 minutes.  I called to let them know I am going to be late.  I am beyond panicked at this moment.  I HAVE TO FIND THIS KEY.

I had been doing quick prayers up to this point. “GOD please help me find this key AMEN”  But at this point, I just needed to cry out to GOD.  And that is exactly what I did.  Asking GOD to help me find this key.

As soon as I said AMEN I had a thought “Did you check your wallet?”  I questioned “Why would it be in my wallet”  So I went to find my wallet. and I prayed that I would find the key in my wallet.

I picked up my wallet and unzipped the inner zipper and BAM!!!  There was the truck key.  At that moment I realized that I put it in my wallet so it would not get lost and so I would not forget.  LOL  At least it did not get lost.

Moments like this remind me to stop at the moment and give it to GOD.  I could have scrambled around the house all day looking for the key but instead, I gave it to GOD and found it quickly.


Take Care Much Love