The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.

I have mentioned on my blog before that my relationship with my dad was difficult at times.  He was very critical and harsh man.  So hearing that he had died brought up so many feelings at once.  It was so easy for all the bad memories to come to the surface in those first hours of grief.

I have been praying that GOD will help the good memories float to the top and for the bad memories to sink.  I know those memories  are in there.  Its just that through healing the bad memories have stayed at the top.

So my hope in blogging in the next few months is to share as much about my dad.  The good, bad and ugly. I don’t want to paint him in just the darkness, or just in the light.  But I want to share all of it.  I hope through sharing and baring it all that it will help me through my healing and my grief.

To GOD Be The GLORY.  Much Love