Step By Step

As I go through life bumps, & detours. It is so easy to get frustrated and feel like giving up.

The other day I had an AHA moment. I was thinking about making a coconut cake (one of my favorites cakes) But I started to get discouraged when I actually started thinking about the process to make the cake.

Coconut Cake is a very complex cake to make. It takes about 3-4 hours to make from start to finish. I started rethinking if I wanted to take on that task.

At that moment I realized that life is “like making a coconut cake “(in my Forest Gump voice)

You don’t just make a coconut cake. You take it one step at a time. You just don’t pour everything in one bowl. You sift the flour in one step. Separate the eggs in another step and so on and so forth.

That is what you have to do with complicated things in life. Just take it one step at a time. You may have a goal to move. You are not just going to pack your stuff up and head out. You are going to research locations. Look for a job and so forth.

And that is doing it step by step. So everytime I get discouraged I am going to try to remember making a coconut cake to get me thourgh those hard times

To GOD Be The GLORY. Take Care. Much Love