Not What I Imagined

In the past, 6 weeks or so since moving to Charleston the question I get asked the most is “How is the move going” I usually respond that it is going well. Which I do feel that it is going well. I am working at a non-profit that strives to make a difference in young girls lives and I am also serving a sister in the church by taking care of her dad while she is at work.
If you know me you know I LOVE serving others. I LOVE making a difference in other peoples lives. So that part I do love. Today I had an AHA moment. “This is not what I had envisioned about my move to Charleston”
I had the vision to make a difference in others lives, to experience a new city, to have new adventures and to be able to establish relationships in the church.
At this point, I just feel like I am doing the bare minimum of all of these. I am working 2 part-time jobs that basically equal 2 full-time jobs if you include the 45-minute one-way commute each day.
I realize that this is my choice. I am trying to get the money together to get my own place. I just have to make sure that I don’t accept that this is the way it always has to be. It is easy for me to get stuck and repeatedly tell myself this is all that I will ever have. 2 part-time jobs.
For right now I can accept that this has to happen but I have to also push myself to not allow this to be “my normal” I just don’t want to get in the same pattern that I was in when I was in Ohio. I had stayed at my last 2 jobs because they were guaranteed income. Even though when I applied for both of them they were supposed to be transitional jobs until I could find something better.
Like I said before I moved to Charleston to challenge myself to go after relationships. Right now my jobs are my barriers for not being able to hang out with people. I work Saturday night so I get off at 8 am. I drive straight to the church building to take a nap in the parking lot before going into the building at 10:15. I usually have to stand up during service so I can stay up and alert during the message. Then after church, I am scanning the audience to see if there is anyone I need to talk to so I can get home to sleep before I have to be at work that night. That is not the way I want to be at church
Most of the singles hang out on Saturday evening. That is hard for me since I work that night so I usually try to take a nap before work. I HATE not being able to hang out with people.

I just have to find a happy medium. To be able to serve others through my work but also to be able to hang out with people in the church so I can get to know people and establish friendships.
I just have to remind myself this is as temporary as I chose for it to be. I just have to set my limits on how long I am willing to do this before I do something to make it change. Please be praying for me to not settle or become stagnant

Take Care Much Love