Not Just A Bucket

Tis the season for shopping, parties ugly sweaters and Salvation Army donation buckets.  Salvation Army Buckets are near and dear to my heart.  Many people pass these displays and put their loose change in.  They do this on blind faith that this money will be used to help others in need.

For me, this is more than blind faith.  I know the money put in the buckets provide for those in need.  Because 11 years ago I & my girls were recipients of money given to Salvation Army.  That money provided a roof over our heads, food in our bellies and clothes on our backs for about 4 months.

Living at the Women & Children Shelter at Salvation Army was all we had at the time.  We made the best of it, and the best came out of it.

So for me when I see the Salvation Army person out there ringing the bell, playing an instrument or even dancing.  I begin to get very emotional.  I give graciously every year I can.  Because without Salvation Army we would have not only be homeless but we would have been on the streets.

So it’s not just a bucket to me.  It was a resource that I could use to take care of my girls while I was getting back on my feet.  So I encourage everyone that reads this to please give to the bucket.  It really does make a difference to many families.

Take Care.  Much Love.