Never Ready

Since I am related to one of my violators the possibility of seeing him at a family function is highly likely.  I am also on high alert and ready to protect myself if needed.  I have run so many scenarios in my head of what could happen and what I would do.

I have realized that no matter how much I think I am prepared for an encounter with Wilber I am never ready.  The last time I saw him was at a funeral over 20 years ago.  Wilber moved to another state shortly after that time.

So it was less likely for me to run into him at a store or whatever.  But if there is a family function there is a possibility to see him.  When I saw him at that funeral 20 years ago I had not actually come to terms with my traumas so I just “faked” my encounter with him.  I did not have one on one interaction with him.  I was just trying to keep it kosher.

A few months ago my Uncle Lloyd passed away.  I decided to go to the memorial service to pay my respects and to support my mom since it was her brother.  It did not hit me until I was pulling into the church parking lot that Wilber might be there since his family and Lloyds family were close growing up.

So I parked my car, I prayed to GOD to protect me and allow me to be wise if Wilber was there.  I walk into the room in protective mode.  Looking out for anything that may cause a trigger.  I scanned the room to see where the exit was.  Where there might be an open area that I could go to that did not have many people around.

I began to feel comfortable in the surrounding.  The next step was to scan the room to see if Wilber was there.  I saw his sister so then I continued to look for him.  I SAW HIM!!!  OMG  WILBER IS IN THE SAME ROOM AS ME!!!  I tried to calm myself down.  It was not working very well so I decided to call one of my cheerleaders,  I was prepared for her to not answer, so I would just leave her a message.  She answered.  She mentioned she did not have much time to talk.  So I just babbled told her about what was going on.  I told her I just wanted someone to know where I was and what I was going on.  She told me what I knew even though in the moment I felt like  I did not know it.  “You are strong”  “you do not have to stay” and “you got this”

So I got off the phone with her and pushed myself to find conversations to get into.  That worked for a little while.  At one point I was standing against a wall talking to someone.  The conversation ended and just as I turn my head I see Wilber walking towards me.  I feel myself starting to panic.  At that same moment, I was getting ready to try and talk myself down from panic, my pocket started to vibrate.  I pull my phone out to see Lilie was calling me.

I answer the phone in the nick of time to see Wilber attempting to say hi.  I rush out of the room to be able to hear Lilie.  Before she even said something I blabbed to her what was going on and I thanked her for saving me.

Being on the phone with Lilie gave me a chance to calm myself down more.  I got off the phone with her, went back in the room to say my goodbyes and left.  On the way home is when I realized that I will never bee 100% ready to see Wilber.  But I will get better at it.  I am just not going to go after it.  Just let it happen and handle it the best that I can.

Take Care.  Much Love