Monday Memories-ODU

GOD has a funny way of bringing memories up to me. For a few months I have been doing Postmates deliveries. A prominent area that has alot of delivery request is the area around Old Dominion University.

As as kid ODU was not a constant in my life because we lived so far from it. But there is a constant memory that I do have.

I remember my childhood soccer team went to a College Soccer game at ODU. It would be a day I would not forget. It is engrained in my brain. And not for the great memories. But for 2 things that happened in the same day. Luckily I can laugh about these memories now. Was not so funny at the time.

  1. I remember having an apple my mom gave me to snack on. I was enjoying that apple until I heard someone yell “NO” I was not sure why they were saying that until 3 seconds when I felt a sudden pain on my tongue. That is when I realized that there was a bee on the apple and I bit the apple and the bee was now in my mouth. Luckily I was able to open my mouth and the bee flew out.
  2. After getting over the bee sting I was playing on the stadium steps and not really paying attention to the game. That was obvious when I hear someone yell “Watch Out” and 5 seconds later I got smacked on the side of the face by the game ball. I had a big red mark on my face but I was okay

What a day that was. I think that was my first life lesson to always be on guard and not take anything for granted. Like I said I will never forget that day at ODU. I may not remember the game or what the score was but I definitely remember that day.

To GOD Be The GLORY. Take Care. Much Love