Just Like Forest Gump

I am not really a big movie buff. Or even someone that makes reference to a movie when talking about my life. But there is one movie that does come to mind when I think about my journey of healing.

That movie is Forest Gump. There is a specific part of the movie that I think about. It is the part after Jenny dies and Forest just starts running. He just keeps running and then one day in the middle of nowhere with tons of people following him.

And Just Like That he stops

I can relate to that part of the movie in relations to my traumas and the healing process. For so long I try to stay acctive and busy in my life to avoid dealing with the open wounds in my life.

After 2 failed marriages and ending up in a homeless shelter with my two girls I realized that I was tired of running from those wounds. It was not as easy as what Forest did but I stopped running and faced my healing head on.

It be so easy to run from your past but honestly your not truly running. Until you decide to heal and not own your past it will always be attached. So stop running from your past and stop running.

To GOD Be The GLORY. Take Care. Much Love.