It’s Been A While

In the beginning of this blog I posted a blog everyday for 10 months. And then life happened and I have gone months without posting anything. It is so easy to be frustrated at myself for not blogging every day. But I realize that life has been a roller coaster for me for a while.

I have adapted the motto “Either you live life or Life will live you” That is so true. You think you have a handle on things and then something happens in life and next thing you know it has been several months since you have checked anything off your to-do list.

It would be so easy to put yourself down and feel like you have failed at life. But there is no need to wallow. But if you choose to wallow then you are spending to much time doing that and not living life. Is that how you want to remember yourself. I don’t think so. So pick yourself up, dust yourself off and move on.

And that is exactly what I am going to do. I know I have posted a blog similar to this in the past when I have not posted anything in a while. It may have the same message but I mean every single word of what I am writing.

There has been so much that has happened since I last blogged. I am so excited to share it all with you. My plan is to type until my heart is content and I have shared all that is in my heart and on my mind and then start posting around the beginning of 2020. So stayed tuned

To GOD Be The GLORY. Take Care Much Love.