I Want To Get Well

There is a story in the bible John 5:1-15 that talks about Jesus coming to an area that had many disabled people just laying on the floor. He finally asked a man if he wanted to get well. The man started making excuses. Jesus finally told him to grab his mat and get up. That is what the man did and he was able to function and live a better life.

I think about that story in relation to my life of healing. For so many years I made excuses for the wounds I had. I even accepted that this is how my life would be.

God had other plans He took me on a journey of healing. It has not been an easy journey. It has been worth it. I am a completely different person than I was 13 years ago before therapy. I am even a different person that last year. I refuse to stay stagnant. I want to grown and I definetly want to get well.

As many of you know I choose to move to Hampton Roads area to heal from the wounds of my childhood. Especially the unhealthy relationship with my dad. Another part of that healing is to heal from my first sexual trauma. I was molested by one of my dad’s friends on New Years Eve when I was 10.

So I have decided to do something that most people would think is CRAZY. I am going to go to Langley AFB on NYE and try to face this memory and wound head on.

Obviously I can’t go inside since it is on a military installation. But just being in the present of this house and facing my emotions I think will be so healing.

This will be the first time I have been to this house on NYE since 1984. I will be honest. I am so scared. I am thinking of every excuse not to do it. But I know the longer I avoid this the more I will be delaying in healing.

Obviously I posted this a few days before NYE. But as you read this I will be facing this giant wound in my life. I ask that you say a pray for me today. And feel free to send me a comment or email. victimtovictorious1@gmail.com

I will post about how the day went. I am eager to get well.

To GOD Be The GLORY. Take Care. Much Love