I Don’t Need The Internet. I Need You.

So after I made the decision to go to Hampton alone. I got in my car and headed that way. I decided to go to Fort Monroe first. That place holds so many memories and history of my childhood. We went there so many times.

I got off the highway and headed to Fort Monroe. As I got there I noticed this HUGE building that I never remembered before. In a split second, I realized that my dad would know what the building was.

I battled back and forth on if I should call him. Especially because this trip was to heal from the wounds that were created because of him. I thought about it for a few minutes. I wanted to make sure that I was not making an excuse to hinder this trip. I wanted to make sure this was not a subconscious effort at self-sabotage.

I decided I would send my dad an email with pictures of the building and then just call him to let him know that I sent him an email. So I did just that. I call him and I let him know that I sent him an email.

He seemed intrigued. But I think with age his memory of this historical information had diminished so his response to me was “I will look at the email but you can look on the internet too”

My immediate thought was “I don’t want to go on the internet, I want to go to you. I want to try to connect with you. “

One of the main reasons that I decided to call him was because he is a huge history buff and I figured even though my attempt to heal from the wounds I was wanting to extend an olive branch to him. I wanted to try to connect with him through something that I knew he loved even though it was not an interest of mine.

Instead of getting defensive by his suggestion of going on the internet I just asked him to look at the picture and if he did not know what it was that I could still go on the internet.

Even through that healing I was able to have a brief connection with my dad. Even as small as it was it was a connection

To GOD Be The GLORY. Take Care. Much Love.