I Am Only Interested In My History

Most people go to Charleston South Carolina to really examine history. To understand what monumental things happened there. Kind of ironic for me though I had no interest in going to Fort Sumter or really understanding the events that happened at The Battery.

I thought it was cool to look at but as far as really examining the history of it I had no interest.  I almost feel guilty about that. Why wouldn’t I want to examine and understanding be a part of the history that happened in that amazing city?
It’s funny I actually got the answer to that question as I moved back to the Hampton Roads area. A few weeks ago I decided to go visit Fort Monroe Virginia. And like many things in Virginia, it is huge in history.

But for me, it is a part of my history. My childhood was here in the Hampton Roads area. I have many memories of visiting  Fort Monroe,  Fort Eustis, Williamsburg or even York town.

We would go visit these places when we had family that came from out of town to visit.  I had gone to these “historical place”s so many times that I was not interested in the background of the places.

It was more about the memories.  Going to Williamsburg and making candles with my cousins.  Or running around the moat area at Fort Monroe.

Also, I was so focused on not making my dad mad on one of these visits that I was not interested in the historical facts.  I just wanted to stay below the radar with my dad.

So for me, I am not really interested in the history of a place unless it is the history of that place in my life.

In the next few post, I will be writing about my trip to Fort Monroe and some other places in Hampton that I visited.  So many emotions came up and I am so glad that I am at a place in my healing that I am aware of my reactions and I can get in tune with it and not delay my healing.  I refuse to stay stuck in history.  I am ready to make a future.

To GOD Be The GLORY. Take Care.  Much Love