Good Things Happen In Threes!!!

It’s hard to believe. It has been 3 years today since I started this blog. It has not gone the way I had envisioned but it has gone the way it needed to. I had hoped that there would be more people reading the blog on a consistent basis. But there have been over 4,000 views of the blog so I need to see that as a good thing. I may not be reaching the masses that I had hoped. But I feel I have reached those that needed to hear my message.

I may not be where I had hoped I would have been at this point. I am where GOD wants me to be. So I need to know that GOD is in control and he has plans for me that are bigger than my dreams.

I truly believe good things will be happening for me. I just have to go after what I want.

With that being said. I am super excited to announce I will be starting to VLOG!!!! As many of you know my dream is to share my life story. I believe that Vlogging will help me get my message and voice out there.

I did my intro video this morning and it is posted below. I am excited to see what GOD has in store for me. To GOD Be The GLORY. Much Love. Take Care