Delete & Move On

Social Media can be good and bad.  It is good that you can connect with friends, families and even celebrities.  But also, can be bad.  Because there will be negative comments and opinions.

But my rule for my life is like my rule for social media. If someone says something negative or even comment on something that they may not have all the information on I do one powerful thing DELETE. 

Obviously in real life I am not deleting people.  I may disconnect from them in my life.  But I don’t allow their negativity to be present in my life.

Everyone has the right to their own opinion.  But they don’t have the right to bring me down or create an unhealthy environment for me.  So, when it comes to social media if someone comments on a post of mine or something I share.  If I don’t agree with what they are saying.  I delete that comment so that I do not have proof of the unencouragement and negativity that they posted.

Remember you are the captain of your own ship and you are in control of who is a passenger on it.  And it is okay if some will abandon ship when you need them the most.  Just know it is not meant to be.