Being Radical

Since becoming a Christian 17 years ago there has been a word I have heard over and over again.  RADICAL

You need:

to have a radical change in your life

to have radical faith

to have a radical love

I kinda have an idea what this word meant.  Being a book nerd I wanted to see what the dictionary says about this word.  Here are a few definitions

  • very new and different from the usual or ordinary :
  • of or going to the root or origin; fundamental:
  • thoroughgoing or extreme, especially as regards change from accepted or traditional forms:
    forming a basis or foundation:

    existing inherently in a thing or person:

    a person who holds or follows strong conviction

Last May this word came up again.  Not from the outside world but inside me.  I kept hearing myself say “Dana you need to make a radical change”  I knew this was true because for so long I have been complacent in my life “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it”  I knew if I did not step outside my comfort zone and jump off the ledge I would probably be in the same spot 5 or even 10 years from now.  I wanted to uproot my life.  Change so many things.  I did not want to do this for outward approval.  I wanted to do it for me.  I wanted to be able to look at myself in the mirror and be like “WOW look at Dana”

So I sat down and wrote about areas I wanted to be radical.
A lot of these may seem like they are outward appearance changes.  And that is true.  But I am not doing it for other people.  I am doing it for myself.  Anytime I mention to anyone about these changes there is always a comment about “oh you trying to get a man”  I am not doing this to get a man.  I am doing this for Dana.  I have to love Dana before I can receive someone else’s love and affirmation. Don’t get me wrong I do want to start dating again.  First I have to date myself and love myself.
June 1, 2017, I began my Radical Year Challenge.  I plan to make many changes in my life.  To take me outside of my comfort zone.  From June 2017 until December 2017 I focused heavily on getting my blog established.  Now I am focusing on my hair, weight, and clothes.
I got my hair done a few months ago.  That was definitely a radical change.  I have been a brunette all my life, maybe a box color or highlights, but never a completely different color.  At first, my plan was to get it done at the end of the one year.  But then I thought “why to wait”  So I made an appointment and did it.  It was so awesome to do it.
For weeks afterward, people were doing double takes to make sure it was me.  That showed me that a lot of people were comfortable thinking I would never make a change.  But here I am making radical changes.
I still have many more things I want to do in the next 5 months.  I have realistic expectations.  If I do not meet all my goals I am okay with that.  All that matters is that I stepped out of my comfort zone and jumped off the ledge.
Take Care Much Love