Allowing The Unthinkable

As I have shared I have been married 2 times. At moments I can think that It must not be meant for me to be with anyone. “How can someone love ME?”

Over time I realized that I needed to heal the wounds from my past and love myself before I can hope and expect someone else to love me.

I have also realized

You have to allow your heart to break from your pain of the past to be able to heal for the future

That is so hared to hear but it is the truth. When we guard our heart from pain and uncomfortable situations we are not allowing ourselves to break away from the pain of the past and to heal

I know that it is so easy to see the possibility of pain and hurt and not go towards it.

Honestly how many people to you see running through glass, or going towards a fire. It is out natural instinct to avoid or run away from those things that could hurt us.

Especailly when we have had a life of hurt and pain. We want to live in our bubble where we feel secure and safe

I heard a powerful saying once.

You have to go out on a limb

That is where all the fruit is

If we don’t go out on the limb we will never get the fruit that we want.