A Picture Says One Thousand Words

I have heard the saying “A Picture Say One Thousand Words” so many times in my life.  It was not 100 % true for me until I graduated with my Associates Degree.

In 2009 I decided to go to school for Photography & Human Relations.  I had only been in my healing process for about 2 years at that time.  College was hard for me.  I am not just talking about going to school at the age of 38.

As part of my healing process, it was hard.  I would have panic attacks in class when there were 30 people in the class.  I would freak out with so many people around me and then be trying to process the information in the class was hard.

But I stuck to through it.  It became easier to deal.  So fast forward 28 months and I finally was ready to walk across the stage.  But it was not that easy for me.  Because of my PTSD, I HAD to sit on the end.  So that meant that I had to count how the chairs in the row and then when we got in line I had to count that specific number in front of me to ensure I was on the end.  Luckily for me, we did not have to be in alphabetical order so that was good.

I vaguely remember anything about the ceremony itself.  I just remember trying to quiet the noise in my head.  I thought I did pretty well.  Which I did.  But then I received my degree and this picture in the mail a few weeks later…

This picture describes what that moment meant to me.  Sure I was proud of what I had accomplished.  But this picture was more about the panic attacks and the anxiety that had overcome me.

I don’t allow this picture to haunt me.  I do allow it to remind me of what my PTSD looked like in the past.  But I am a different person now.  I am so much strong.  I no longer allow my PTSD to define me.  It has refined me into a better and stronger person

Take Care Much Love