21 Years

Today we celebrate Bethanie’s 21st Birthday.  As I even think about the possibility of having a 21-year-old, that is CRAZY!!! My life has changed so much in the last 21 years

To think that during my pregnancy is when I first began to feel my wounds, to process what had happened to me, and to ultimately try to heal.  That is when it all began.  Not only did I get the gift of a baby I got the gift of getting my life back.

It boggles my mind to think not only did I get the desires of my conscious heart by getting pregnant and having a baby, but GOD also helped me to heal from some very deep wounds.  I am so grateful for his guidance.

This last 21 years of healing has not been easy, but it has been worth it.  21 years ago I was a woman standing in quick-sand not sure how to get out.  And now I am a woman that can stand on her own 2 feet and holding my head high.

I am proud to say I am not the same woman I was 21 years ago.  I have learned so much about life and how to truly live it.  That is so awesome to be able to say.

Happy Birthday to my Brown-Eyed Angel.  I am proud of the woman you have become.  I love you.